BLOG: Speaking the truth in love. Free Speech is not just a Right, it’s a Responsibility.
I sat down to write a new blog post three to four weeks before this one was released. These blogs were my first writing, podcast, or creative works in nearly a year. The only exception was some occasional poetry, but more on that later. On The Blue Line was never closed down; I just didn’t release anything new. I do find myself occasionally asking why it was never closed down? I have to assume that the reason “why” rests in some internal reason that I refuse to quit.
Your first response may be that isn’t stopping for a year quitting? Quitting for a season is accurate, but I prefer tactical pause. It sounds more intentional and less like, say, quitting. The reality is, I don’t know all the reasons why I stopped, only my frame of mind at the time. I also knew that I was not done. Instead, I would continue to create when the words, ideas, and my state of mind all found common ground again.
“ I see law enforcement as having an essential role in this fight back to the original intent of our forefathers. Law enforcement is the last line of defense against tyranny and dangerous totalitarian and Marxist ideology. ”
It’s no secret to those who know me and those who have read my previous writings or listened to my earlier podcast that I have found myself repeatedly in an internal crisis. I write from my heart and my perspective forged by my life experience. The problem with that in today’s society is that a growing part of society cares little about opinions or thoughts with which they do not wholly agree. They also seem to want those with similar beliefs to mine canceled and removed from society. I won’t go into all the negative reasons that this way of thinking will destroy society; you can read my recent blogs. However, there is a balance when representing a career such as law enforcement. It is a balance between your right to free speech as a citizen and your speech’s impact on the profession and industry you represent.
Sadly, we are in a time when the more foundational you speak about America and the proper role of law enforcement, the more significant and vicious the dissenting voices are. Accuracy and truth have little to do with the acceptance of the speech, only that it must adhere to new rules, no matter how delusional those rules may be. As the last few years have accelerated this divisiveness, so has my caution and internal angst as I seek to speak the truth in love.
It is not my goal to marginalize, degrade, or shun; in fact, quite the opposite. I want to see an America where we celebrate different ideas and discuss them freely, where the people are one people, united by the founding principles that made the country remarkable. I see law enforcement as having an essential role in this fight back to the original intent of our forefathers. Law enforcement is the last line of defense against tyranny and dangerous totalitarian and Marxist ideology.
For these reasons, law enforcement has a heavy cross to bear. Not only for what the career itself exposes them to daily but also for their role in protecting the Constitution. However, writing about the challenges in the profession can be polarizing, and it can also be mentally exhausting. As the attack on American society continues with such great force, the words become more complex and harder to write. It is challenging to remain patient as the realization of the speed at which these cancerous anti-American ideas permeate all areas of society.
I contemplated all of this last August after attending Podcast Movement in Nashville, Tennessee. I decided to take a break that was supposed to last for a few weeks; now, a year later, I sit typing. It was not solely the societal breakdown that kept me away from writing and speaking; and it was personal factors as well. During this last year, I lost my father, had a tough battle with COVID, underwent surgery, and fought some lingering financial battles. It was life, but it was tough.
“However, in the same way, we exemplify love through a child receiving harsh punishment for their future good. So, it is true that speaking that which is sometimes unpopular and not readily accepted is the most loving thing you can do. ”
It was these factors that brought me back to the computer. A renewed awareness of the shortness of life grew inside me through these challenges and bore me a new resolve. I realized that the issue was not what I had been saying despite a dangerous cancel culture; the problem was the danger of me not speaking at all.
We have a growing trend among good people who mean well and don’t want to rock the proverbial boat. This trend is to say nothing, do nothing, or entertain nothing that might offend others. Even though this is often from a place of well-meaning concern for others and wanting to do the right thing, it is simply wrong and frankly dangerous. It is also anti-American. Why does the First Amendment to the Constitution safeguard the God-given right of free speech, among other rights? Why was the right to speak out against the government so crucial as to be included in the First Amendment? Because speaking out against wrong is not only an American right, it is a God-given right and responsibility that we must exercise and vehemently protect.
Speak the truth in love. That was my resolution, and it became my mantra as a challenging year wore on. See, truth is not always welcome or graciously accepted, and we often misinterpret the word love. However, in the same way, we exemplify love through a child receiving harsh punishment for their future good. So, it is true that speaking that which is sometimes unpopular and not readily accepted is the most loving thing you can do.
So, I am back. The feather is firmly in hand, the ink reservoir is full, and parchment is waiting. The long cursive strokes will come next as I share my thoughts, observations, considerations, and beliefs with you. These will not always be popular. They may also not always be correct, though I will do everything I can to research and provide the most accurate information that I can. However, I can guarantee that to the best of my ability; I will speak the truth in love and believe that the Creator of the universe will use these words as he sees fit. Should no one read anything I ever write, I at least thank you for considering my thoughts, confirmed by you reading this. And I ask you to consider where you may need to begin speaking the truth in love.
This Blog Post Appeared first at All Rights Reserved. July 2022
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Wayne Mulder is a law enforcement officer, speaker, writer and the host of the On The Blue Line podcast. Wayne is an advocate for law enforcement officer total health programs and a believer in empowering law enforcement officers in their personal lives. For more on his mission visit