BLOG: The Police cannot be the Parents'; how the societal breakdown in America is partly due to the breakdown of the family unit.
The 911 call comes into dispatch. "My son or daughter is out of control," the call notes read. The call notes state, "I cannot get them to do what I am telling them to do." The call notes may provide an even more concerning scene, "My eight-year-old just struck me and ran out of the house," according to the child's mom. These statements and many more like them we have read if you spent any time in law enforcement.
You have been to the calls where the child is out of control, and the parent is exasperated just watching the chaos around them. You have responded to homes where the child tells their parents what they are going to do and then proceed to do the action without interference from the parent. You have responded to numerous crimes and calls for service that happen all through the evening and early morning hours by young juveniles, sometimes younger than ten years old. You arrive on the scene and investigate and learn that very young and unsupervised minors committed numerous felonies throughout the night.
Now let me pause for a moment and clarify a few points before I continue. To write this post, I must paint with a broad brush and make some generalities. I do not mean in this article to diminish the valiant effort of single parents struggling between working to provide for the home while simultaneously trying to raise children. This article also is not comprehensive and only means to point out that there is a problem, and the war on the family is partially to blame for the problem. However, individual choice, societal acceptance of evil and delusion, and a lack of moral foundation are just a few of the other contributing factors.
“My thesis lies in the growing trend of young children without respect for authority. Coupled with this lack of respect, who shows a willingness to act out against the authority violently at such a young age. This behavior is a disturbing new trend. ”
In the last few months, several disturbing stories in the media have concerned me about the world we are entering. It seems, antidotally it holds in my lifetime, that every generation wants to complain about the "young people." The older adults often complain that this generation is lazy, unfocused, or has numerous negative behavior characteristics that probably would have described themselves at the same age. These age-old differences are not my point. My thesis lies in the growing trend of young children without respect for authority. Coupled with this lack of respect, who shows a willingness to act out against the authority violently at such a young age. This behavior is a disturbing new trend.
We all were teenagers and young adults, and we all struggled with authority at one time or another and disagreed with what someone would ask us to do. However, even when I had disagreements, I never would have considered attacking law enforcement or my parents, and to see it occurring in children under ten is mind-blowing.
I was listening to the podcast, Fearless with Jason Whitlock, which I highly recommend. In an episode titled, 'Children of a Lesser George,' he showed the video of kids, and toddlers, yelling at the officers who showed up to investigate a murder suspect in Minnesota. The children are yelling profanities and slang and being belligerent. As Whitlock points out, the children are clearly radicalized by adults in their lives.
In that episode, Whitlock had a guest, Shelia Qualls. She wrote a great article in Alpha News titled, Grooming children for a life of crime: these children are the result of s social experiment gone bad. Qualls writes a brilliant and heart-wrenching article that begins with the premise that these children "who through no fault of their own- have been corrupted and abandoned by a system that places no value on the traditional nuclear family."[1] She goes on to describe the possible future for children who are acting out against authority in this manner at this age. She provides an excellent overview of the problems facing many communities across this country and the rise of fatherlessness as an apparent contributing factor.
Qualls makes a statement specific to this blog's intent: "As these kids age, they will exhibit these behaviors in public with violent confrontations with teachers and law enforcement."[2] Sadly, the exhibition of these behaviors is what happens, and we as law enforcement intuitively know this is true. The breakdown of the family unit. The indoctrination of children with anti-authority rhetoric. And the increase in inaccurate and intentionally dishonest campaigns to disregard the actual problems by making everyone a victim of the system to reach a particular political goal. These actions will all lead to a further decline in communities and an increase in violence and chaos.
A few weeks after this incident in Minnesota, bodycam footage was released from the Unified Police Department in Utah. In the video, Sadaat Johnson, 27, is being arrested at a McDonald's after allegedly brandishing "a gun in the drive-thru after his fast-food order was incorrect.[3]" As the police remove him from the vehicle, a shot is fired from the car. Thankfully and miraculously, the officers realized it was coming from kids, the 3- and 4-year-old still in the vehicle.
The 4-year-old stated, "I grabbed my dad's gun and tried to shoot the police so he could be free and do what he wanted." Besides the immediate shock that this adult did indeed have his firearm out where a three- and four-year-old could quickly grab it, this is a terrifying predicament for law enforcement. It goes without saying that this situation could have gone really, really bad. Thankfully, this situation ended with everyone's safety.
“However, the breakdown of society and family makes it more challenging to have examples to follow to know what the right options even are. If you have no respect for your parents, it is of little surprise that you have no respect for any other authority. ”
We live in a time where large organizations with Marxist ideals can claim they want to "disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family," and no one even questions the implications of that reality. I guess this is not a surprise when a few short years later, we are now arguing over what is a woman? And can men get pregnant? All of these things go hand and hand. If we continue to push for the breakdown of the family, these kids will start as victims when they are young and are more likely to grow up to be criminals. They don't have to, and thank God, not all of them will. Some will make the right choice, a choice they all have. However, the breakdown of society and family makes it more challenging to have examples to follow to know what the right options even are. If you have no respect for your parents, it is of little surprise that you have no respect for any other authority.
Furthermore, society's decline and the delusions accepted and presented to children as normal will also further this divide. These recent events are just a few highlights of a disturbing, systematic trend caused by the underlying illnesses. We, as law enforcement, will be called to continue to deal with these issues as they grow. This breakdown will make our job more complex and more dangerous, and the potential for more perilous citizen interactions to erupt. We as a society must decide the future we want for our children and their children. These problems did not happen overnight, and we will not solve them overnight. However, we cannot wait to begin turning the tide and returning to the foundations of family, morality, and sanity.
[1] Shelia Qualls: Grooming children for a life of crime, Shelia Qualls, Alpha News, July 10, 2022,
[2] Shelia Qualls: Grooming children for a life of crime
[3] Bodycam video shows 4-year-old shooting at police while they were arresting his father at McDonald’s, Paul Sacca, Blaze Media, July 21, 2022,
This Blog Post Appeared first at All Rights Reserved. August 2022
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Wayne Mulder is a law enforcement officer, speaker, writer and the host of the On The Blue Line podcast. Wayne is an advocate for law enforcement officer total health programs and a believer in empowering law enforcement officers in their personal lives. For more on his mission visit